Ethereum: What is “Script Hash” address exactly and how does it work?

February 8, 2025 yanz@123457 No comments exist

Understanding Ethereum script hash: deep dive into basics

As you have discovered, the address 3Nukj6fyzj5kk8bpjycanuzke5q7uw7i8 is a unique example of the address Ethereum” Scrip Hash “. In this article, we will explore what the scripts are and how they act in the context of Ethereum Blockchain.

What is the script hash address?

The hash address of the scripte is the type of Ethereum address using a cryptographic hash function to obtain a string of fixed size, known as a hash script. This string is used as an entrance for a series of etherum smart contracts or scripts, which execute a certain action when the contract is assigned.

In other words, the hash address of the script is a unique identifier that is copied in a set of instructions (or “script”) coded in a hexadecimal format. These instructions are made to Ethereum Blockchain when the appropriate hash address of the script is used as an entrance for a smart contract or transaction.

How does the hash scripts work?

To understand how the script addresses work, let’s break the procedure:

  • HASH function

    Ethereum: What is

    : Hash script function takes the entrance (in this case Ethereum address) and generates a series of fixed size using a cryptographic hashing.

  • Input Coding : The resulting hash is then coded in a hexadecimal format to create a series of 64 characters (i.e. script hash).

  • script hash address : This hashed string represents a unique identifier that can be used as an entrance for a series of etherum smart contracts or scripts.


Suppose we want to perform a specific action when the address of Ethereum is assigned. Let’s say we have the following script:


Pragma Solidity ^0.6.0;

The script of the contract {{

function myfunction () public payment {

// code to be executed when this contract is allocated




To implement the contract with a certain entry (Ethereum address3Nukj6fyzj5kkkkkpjycanruzke5q7uw7i8), we would use a script hash address. The process includes:

  • Calculation of hash for a script using Ethereum address

  • Coding the resulting hash in a hexadecimal format as a script

How to check the script hash address

To check if Ethereum address is a valid hash script, you can perform the following steps:

  • Use the functioneth_getthash` of the Ethereum API to get a hash script that matches the default address.

  • Compare this hash with a encoded hexadecimal series created in step 2 above.

If they match, then the address is a truly valid hash script and is a unique intake for a smart contract or the Ethereum action.

In conclusion, the script addresses are a powerful tool in the Ethereum ecosystem, allowing developers to create adapted smart contracts and perform certain actions when deploying. Understanding how to function hash addresses, you will be better equipped with the development and implementation of your own innovative applications on Ethereum blockchain.


  • [Ethereum 1.0] – guide for the Ethereum virtual machine

  • [Ethers.js documentation] – Ethereum Javascript Library

Note: This article is intended only for educational purposes and should not be used as a replacement for professional leadership or professional advice.


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