Ethereum: Extract transactions and output addresses **
Ethereum provides a stable transaction control frame and associated portfolios. Understanding how to extract login and output transaction portfolio addresses is crucial for various cases of use, such as markers management, intelligent contracts and develop a decentralized application (DAPP).
In this article, we will study how to extract the transaction portfolio addresses using the built -in APIs and Ethereum libraries.
Transaction hash
To retrieve the portfolio’s portfolio addresses and transaction exit, you must first receive its hash. You can find a transaction hash by asking the Ethereum blockchain or using the Ethers.js' library. Here's an example:
CONST ETERS = require (‘euters’);
// Get a hash of the blockchain transaction
ASYNC feature gettransctionhash (transaction) {
CONST TX = Wait Ether.gettransction;
Return TX.Hash;
// Get the input addresses and the transaction’s output portfolio
Async feature getwalletaddresses (hash, networkname) {
CONST TX = Wait for euters.providers.Stimategas ({from: ‘0x …’, to: …});
If (tx.gaslimit <1000000) {
// Use API to evaluate gas to a local supplier for small transactions
Exotimitegas (TX);
} Else {
// Use API to evaluate Ethereum Mainnet gases for larger transactions
CONST GASPRICE = Wait for euters.provider.getgasprice ();
CONST TX = Wait for euters.providers.Stimatetransactigas (Hash, Gasprice);
Return TX;
ASYNC Functional Assessment (TX) {
// Calculate the estimated price and size of gas
CONST GASPRICE = Wait for euters.provider.getgasprice ();
CONST Gasamount = (TX.Gaslimit – 1) * Gasprice / 1000;
// Create an API options subject to evaluate transaction
Return New Ethers.providers.TransctionStimationoptions ({
to: ‘0x …’, // Recipient’s address
Gasprice: Gasprice,
Returning to the entrance portfolio
Once you have a transaction hash, you can use the Ethers.js
or other API library to retrieve the input portfolio addresses. One popular option is the use of the Ether-Transaction-Inputs package:
CONST ETERS = require (‘euters’);
Const transactioninputs = require (‘Ether-Transaction-Inputs’);
// Receive a transaction hash and network name
Async feature getwalletaddresses (hash, networkname) {
// Use API to Local Small Transactions Transaction Login
CONST txinputs = wait for euters.providers.Stimatetransctioninput (hash);
Return txinputs;
Retroughs of the output portfolio
In order to retrieve the output addresses of the transaction portfolio, you will need to estimate the price of the gas and the amount for each entrance. You can use the Ether.js' library for this purpose.
Here is an example using theEther-Transaction-Output-AcTimation package:
CONST ETERS = require (‘euters’);
Const Transactionoutputestimation = Requirement (‘Ether-Transaction-Output-AcTimation’);
// Receive a transaction hash and network name
Async feature getwalletaddresses (hash, networkname) {
// Use API to evaluate the results of the local provider for small transactions
Const txoutputestimation = wait for euters.providers.StimatetransctionPut (hash);
Return txoutputestimation;
In this article, we demonstrated how to extract the addresses of the transaction input and output portfolio using the built -in APIs and Ethereum libraries. By understanding these concepts and applying them in your own code, you will be well equipped for managing transactions and portfolios for various use cases.
Remember to always check the authenticity of the information provided and deal with any errors that may occur during the process.